Contribute to the 40th AACVPR Annual Meeting
The AACVPR Annual Meeting is the premier place for cardiopulmonary rehabilitation professionals to come together and move the field forward. Make your voice heard at our upcoming 40th anniversary event by submitting a scientific research proposal. Submissions for the education sessions are in review currently and responses will be issued in April.
Make a Submission
Important Dates and Deadlines
Education Sessions
Monday, November 18 |
Call for Session Submissions Open |
Friday, January 24 |
Call for Session Submissions Closes |
Scientific Abstracts
Monday, December 9 |
Call for Scientific Abstracts Open |
Friday, March 14 |
JCRP Featured Science Submissions (Formerly Late Breaking Manuscript Submissions) Due |
Friday, May 2 |
Call for Scientific Abstracts Closes |
Session Proposals
The AACVPR Program Planning Committee and its track-focused subcommittees are now accepting proposals for educational breakout sessions, rapid fire sessions, and pre-meeting workshops. Please refer to the information outlined in the session submission guidelines to ensure your proposal meets our criteria.
The committee is looking for presenters to:
- Identify clinical innovation and research advances that address challenges in the contemporary healthcare landscape
- Describe new delivery models and implementation strategies
- Demonstrate new cognitive sets/skills, creative thinking skills, and/or technological adjuncts
- Share outcomes and advances in cardiac and pulmonary science/research
- Discuss new understandings of disease and disease pathophysiology and management
- Discuss strategies to mitigate disparities of care in patient referral as well as delivery of care
- Describe effective networking skills within the hospital/ACA system
- Identify methods to improve competencies of rehabilitation professionals
- Discuss strategies to improve the relationship of rehabilitation programs with corollary services
- Provide any other information to improve the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation services
- Identify techniques to create a health-equitable practice
Session Types
- Breakout Session: 60-minute or 75-minute sessions focused on a specific topic (e.g., ITP, psychological aspects of PR, physical activity, staffing models, etc.)
- Pre-Meeting Workshop Session: Four-hour-long workshop that offers a deep dive into a specific content area, and features a mixture of lectures and practical application (e.g., staff competencies for core components, program certification preparation, CCRP preparation)
- Rapid Fire Session: 45-minute track-specific highly interactive sessions that elicit significant audience participation. The session will follow the format below:
- 15-minute presentation with a 15-slide maximum
- 20 minutes of discussion
- 10-minute wrap-up
- Time limits are strictly enforced by session moderators to ensure all topics have maximum time
- The session moderator will keep sessions flowing, assist with presentation transitions, and introduce speakers
Scientific Abstracts
Scientific abstracts may be submitted for presentation for one of two formats: oral presentation or poster presentation. Researchers who are within five years of their latest degree or final training (i.e., fellowship, residency) may also submit to be considered for a Beginning Investigator presentation. Please review the Scientific Abstract Submissions Guidelines before beginning your submission.
Submission Types
When submitting your proposal, please indicate your preference for a poster or oral presentation. If you are open to either format, you will be able to indicate this in the submission portal when prompted.
- Oral Abstract Presentation: Each presenter will be expected to develop presentation slides for a 7–10-minute talk reviewing the rationale, key methods, main results, conclusions, and comment on the "real-world, clinical application" of their findings. Oral abstract presenters will expect to submit their presentation in PDF or PPT format by August 1, 2025.
- Poster Presentation: Poster authors will have the opportunity to hang their printed posters at the Annual Meeting and will be expected to speak to their research and answer attendee questions during the annual poster reception, and during any additional dedicated poster viewing times throughout the conference.
Scientific abstracts can be submitted under the following tracks:
- Cardiovascular Rehabilitation
- Clinical & Preventative Cardiology
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation & Medicine
- Behavior Change, Nutrition, & Psychosocial
- Physical Activity/Exercise
- Quality Improvement
Accepted abstracts will be included in the electronic version of the September-October 2025 issue of the Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention (JCRP) and will be featured in the AACVPR Annual Meeting mobile app for 3 months following the conclusion of the meeting.
Special Scientific Abstract Opportunities
- Beginning Investigator Award: The Beginning Investigator Award is given to outstanding researchers who are currently enrolled in a terminal degree program or are within five years of their degree or final training (i.e., MD/DO, fellowship, residency, PhD, PharmD, MPH), and who have not previously won the award. Some examples of eligible authors are included below:
- A student pursuing a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree conducting research as part of their degree program
- A recent BS/MS graduate (within 5 years of graduation) conducting research as part of their job
- A MD/DO, MPH, or PhD Student conducting research as part of their degree program, thesis or dissertation
- A PhD completing a post-graduate fellowship
- A PhD or MD that completed their residency or fellowship less than 5 years ago.
If you meet these qualifications, you may submit your scientific abstract for consideration using the prompts within the submission portal. Each finalist will give an 8–10-minute oral platform presentation during a special session at the 40th Annual Meeting. One presentation will be selected as the winner and receive a plaque and $250 from AACVPR.
- JCRP Featured Science Submissions (Formerly Late Breaking Manuscript Submissions): AACVPR is again soliciting abstracts for the JCRP Featured Science submission type (formerly Late-Breaking Manuscript submission type). Abstracts submitted to this category will be reviewed by the AACVPR Research Committee and the JCRP Editors Team, and the authors of the highest scoring submission will be invited to submit a full manuscript to JCRP by June 1, 2025, for expedited peer review and publication consideration in JCRP. The authors will also be invited to present their findings during the annual meeting. If the manuscript is accepted after the peer review process, it will then be published online ahead of print by the AACVPR Annual Meeting. For more information, please review the full JCRP Featured Science Submission section of the Scientific Abstract Submission Guidelines.
- Additional Abstract Awards: Additionally, AACVPR is pleased to announce the following Abstract Awards for the 40th Annual Meeting. Award winners will be announced at the meeting and will receive a ribbon and a certificate. The Poster Presentation People’s Choice Award will be selected via popular vote at the meeting during the Poster Reception, and all other awards are selected by the AACVPR Research Committee.
- Top Oral Abstract Presentation Award
- Top Poster Presentation Award
- Poster Presentation People’s Choice Award
- Poster Presentation Scientific Merit Award
- Poster Presentation Visual Communication Award
- Poster Presentation Innovation Award
If you have questions, please contact
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