About CE Credits

Continuing education credits (CECs) from AACVPR are awarded through the application process. Upon completion and submission of the CE application and payment, your application will be reviewed by members of the AACVPR Education Committee. Please note the process and deadlines below as you plan for your upcoming educational program.

Apply to Qualify Your Education Program for AACVPR Credits

Application Process

  • Complete the application in its entirety and submit by the application window deadline noted below. Partial or incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • Review the CEC guidelines and follow the instructions included within the application. All elements of the application must be submitted before your application is reviewed, including conflict of interest forms for all planning committee members and speakers.
  • Handwritten applications will not be considered.
  • Upon submitting your application, you will receive the application invoice within two business days. Certificates will not be issued until payment is received.

Application Submission Windows and Deadlines

Event Window Application Submission Deadline
January - February First Monday in December
March - April Second Monday in February
May - June Second Monday in April
July - August Second Monday in June
September - October Second Monday in August
November - December Second Monday in October

For example, if your conference will be on May 27, please submit your application before the second Monday in April deadline. Your application will be reviewed over the 10 business days following the deadline.

Application Fee Structure

A $50 late fee will be applied to all applications submitted after the deadline.

CE Credit Hours AACVPR Joint Affiliate AACVPR Affiliate Non-Affiliate Organization
1-3 $25 $50 $75
4-7 $90 $125 $225
8-14 $150 $225 $425
15+ $200 $275 $600

Download the Application

Download the Application Guidelines

Download the Learning Objectives Guide

Download the Financial Conflict of Interest Form

What Kind of Education Program Is Eligible for AACVPR CECs?

AACVPR is dedicated to offering/supporting educational opportunities that:

  • Implement multi-level educational products developed on an established set of criteria based on experience and/or education needs to facilitate a lifetime of learning
  • Provide open access to multi-disciplinary education and embrace the core competencies necessary for success in all member segments
  • Deliver consistent, current and accurate education
  • Inspire a desire for continued learning that produces dedicated, competent and qualified practitioners in the field of cardio and pulmonary rehabilitation and prevention

Examples include:

  • Cardiac/pulmonary practice
  • Cardiac/pulmonary research
  • Critical program elements based on the published guidelines for cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation
  • Biological, physical and behavioral science impacting our patient populations
  • Management, administration or supervision of health care delivery as it pertains to the cardiac and pulmonary patient populations
  • Teaching or learning processes
  • Ethical or legal aspects of health care
  • Other health care issues that influence these pertinent patient populations

What Kind of Education Program Is Ineligible for AACVPR CECs?

AACVPR follows the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) standards for integrity and independence in continuing education which stipulates that education must be designed to be relevant, practice-based, effective, based on valid content, and independent of commercial influence.

Organizations applying for AACVPR CECs must ensure their educational activity complies with the AACVPR application guidelines to protect learners from commercial bias and marketing. It is the responsibility of the submitting organization to identify and mitigate conflict within the educational program, and accurately note conflicts and mitigation strategies as they arise within the CEC application.

The following types of programs would violate the ACCME standards for integrity and independence in continuing education and would not be accepted to AACVPR CECs:

  • The accredited provider must ensure that all decisions related to the planning, faculty selection, delivery, and evaluation of accredited education are made without any influence or involvement from the owners and employees of an ineligible company.
  • Education must be free of marketing or sales of products or services.
  • Faculty must not actively promote or sell products or services that serve their professional or financial interests during accredited education.
  • The education provider must not share the names or contact information of learners with any ineligible company or its agents without the explicit consent of the individual learner.

AACVPR reserves the right to deny any CEC application in violation of the ACCME standards for integrity and independence in continuing education.

Marketing Your Educational Program

AACVPR understands that promotion is critical to the success of your event. The statement below can be used in program promotions, to notify attendees that an application for AACVPR CEC's has been made for your event:

An application has been made to the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) for XX continuing education (CE) credits.

Please note: Programs are reviewed by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Education Committee. AACVPR credit may be accepted by various licensing agencies. While programs may be pre-approved for CE credit in a given state, please check with your individual state requirements.

If you have further questions regarding CE credits, please contact AACVPR Education Staff by emailing education@aacvpr.org.
